Email Automation
Convert incoming emails to incidents
Polar Help Desk can track an email address and convert incoming email messages as help desk incidents. The intelligent routines will determine the reason why this email is being sent: for new email message a new incident will be created, while replies will be recognized as a parts of the existing incident.
Multiple email automation modes
Administrator can choose from various modes of email automation. Modes allow you to set the level of automation you want to use. You can choose whether your emails will be converted to incidents automatically or the system will only receive emails and your staff will do the conversion of the selected incidents manually.
Register new users automatically
In appropriate email automation mode all new users (whose email is not in help desk database) will be registered as new users of your Help Desk.
Blocking email addresses
To prevent SPAM you can add certain email addresses or whole domains to blocked lists. The email automation will disregard these emails and junk email will not be added as Incident.