
Our flexible licensing options have the potential of significantly reducing your software expense.

Polar Help Desk software licensing models are based on number of support representatives (technicians / agents), while the number of customers (end users / service users) is not limited.

There are two licensing models available. According to your company’s needs, you can choose which ever model you find fitting or any combination of the two.

Fixed licensing model – named licenses

Named license guarantees the user to login to the application at any time and from anywhere. Additionally, the number of simultaneous sessions is not limited for the named license user, meaning he can be logged in from different places at the same time.

Floating licensing model – concurrent licenses

Concurrent license allows you to add as many users as you like, all with logon access, but only N users can be logged on at any one time. N is the number of concurrent users purchased.

You may setup as many concurrent users as you wish and they may all access the Polar Help Desk application. However, the number of those users actually able to login at once will be limited by the number of licenses you purchase.
For example, your company may have 50 members of your support department. You may create a unique account for each of them and they may all access the system. However, if you purchased 10 licenses, only 10 of your employees will be able to access the system at once.

Concurrent user licenses can be cost effective when support personnel is working in shifts or different time zones and do not have an overlap in support hours.

Combination of fixed and floating licensing models

You may purchase a number of named and a number of concurrent licenses depending on your business and your organization processes and working environment.
Named licenses ensure the access to the application at all times.
Concurrent user licenses can be cost effective when support personnel is working in shifts and/or support personnel work in different time zones and do not have an overlap in support hours.


There are two levels of Polar Help Desk software maintenance: Standard and Premium Maintenance
Standard Maintenance
This free maintenance plan entitles all Polar Help Desk customers to receive:

  • Bug fixes and minor upgrades.
    • Subscribers are entitled to receive all upgrades and maintenance releases for the product.
  • Fixes, upgrades and patches are provided to clients, as they become available.
    • Customers with valid Maintenance agreement will be able to download fixes, upgrades and patches from our web site.

Premium Maintenance
A one year Premium Maintenance contract is available for 20% of the purchase price. Contracts are renewed annually at 20% of the current product price (for the used number of help desk software licenses). The renewal procedure is automatic.

Automatic (continous) renewal safeguards your software maintenance against unintentional lapses.

If you do nothing when you receive your e-mail renewal reminders your Premium Maintenance contract will renew automatically at the anniversary date and you will be invoiced accordingly. If you wish to cancel the renewal, simply reply to the e-mail reminder you have received.

This maintenance plan includes all the features of the standard maintenance in addition to:

  • Major upgrades (new features, feature enhancements, new functionalities, all upgrades and enhancements)
  • Notifications about new critical bug fixes and upgrades
  • Priority bug fixes for your issues started within 1 week.
  • Beta Program/Special Offers
    • Participants in Premium Maintenance program are included in special offers for new products, upgrades and beta software programs.
Polar reserves the right to change the terms of maintenance agreement on annual basis. Polar shall notify Licensee at least thirty (30) days in advance of such changes.


Standard support for Polar Help Desk software is free.

Standard product support is provided through the help desk on a 24/7 basis.

This contract covers only support for Polar Help Desk software. Support for other software and hardware products related with Polar Help Desk shall not be provided. Extensive customization advice or consulting services is not included in this contract.

Support for self modified copies of Polar Help Desk shall not be provided.

Polar guarantees that it shall provide support in period of 60 days after delivery of the software to you.


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