Source Code

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Source code with unlimited technicians

Product Polar Help Desk Source Code now includes:

  • Product Polar Help Desk
  • Unlimited technician license: there is no limit to the number of technicians (support representatives) in your help desk system.
  • Complete source code: you are allowed to make any modifications. You can add or remove features, create web services, connect to third party systems, etc.
  • Price: $499 US

About the product architecture

Polar Help Desk design is based on a 3-layer architecture:

  1. Presentation Layer
  2. Business Layer
  3. Data Layer

Presentation Layer

Presentation Layer is the top layer that takes care of presenting Business Data to users and offering a way to manipulate this data, to perform Business Processes. It utilizes Polar Help Desk’s powerful REST based API to present AJAX based HTML User Interface.

Presentation Layer is separated into server side and client side code. Server side handles all the security critical data processing and data storage while client side provides data management and the user interface.

Main client side modules are:

  1. Web Pages – Displays requested content and accepts user input. Web pages rely on clean HTML and CSS to outline the page and Javascript to populate, display and collect the data.
  2. Javascript Code – Contains underlying services and libraries that support the client side. Services primarily manage data transfer and processing while libraries provide user interface elements such as Grids, Filters, Menus, etc.

Main server side modules are:

  1. HTTP Handlers – When page is loaded, it sends out AJAX request to fetch appropriate data. This request is accepted by a HTTP handler. HTTP handler will then check user credentials and if appropriate permissions exist, return requested data.
  2. REST Resources – Business Layer data is not sent to the client in its raw form. Instead, it is first converted into a resource and then sent to the client via HTTP handler.
  3. Instancing – For hosting purposes, Polar Help Desk supports multiple databases. What this means is, one Polar Help Desk web application can host multiple help desks. When a new database is created, another instance is added to the web application. This new instance can be accessed using unique URL you define for it. For example: http://site/company1, http://site/company2, etc.

Business Layer

Business Layer is the middle layer. This is where Business Processes, Business Rules and Business Logic are implemented and where all Business Data is defined. Functionality of this layer is mainly used from the Presentation Layer.

Primary examples of business processes are:

  1. Email automation and notification rules.
  2. Incident propagation and Service Level Agreements.
  3. User synchronization, roles and work hours.

Data Layer

Data Layer is the bottom layer. Its purpose is to manage the data storage and provide the upper layers with the ability to store and retrieve data. Functionality of Data Layer is mainly used from the Business Layer.

All data is exposed as C# objects and managed through Entity Data Model. For example, each data type in Polar Help Desk has a C# object of type Entity that represents it. These objects are User entity, Incident entity, etc.

When data is read from a database, it is first mapped into appropriate entity object and then used by the Business Layer. If object was modified and needs to be stored, entity is simply mapped back to the database.

NHibernate library is used provide object-relational mapping.


Polar Help Desk is a Microsoft .NET 3.5 based product written in C#. Minimum requirements are Windows 2003 with IIS 6 or Windows XP with IIS 5.1 and Microsoft SQL Express 2008. Both 32 and 64 bit versions of Windows are supported.

Development Environment

Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 SP1

Libraries and Components

  1. NHibernate: a port of Hibernate Core for Java to the .NET Framework. It handles persisting plain .NET objects to and from an underlying relational database.
  2. NHibernate.Search: is an extension to NHibernate that allows you to utilize Lucene.NET, a full text search engine as your query engine, instead of putting additional load on the database itself.
  3. Lucene.NET: is a high-performance, full-featured text search engine library written entirely in Java. It is a technology suitable for nearly any application that requires full-text search, especially cross-platform.
  4. Spring.NET: is used in Polar Help Desk to provide Inversion of Control (dependency injection) pattern implementation.
  5. StringTemplate.NET

All libraries are open source and come with full source code. They are licensed under BSD, Apache and LGPL licenses and as such allow you full freedom to use and modify them.


Polar Help Desk API uses REST (Representational State Transfer) based architecture over HTTP protocol. Any application that can send and receive data using HTTP protocol can connect to Polar Help Desk API. This allows for you to easily integrate Polar Help Desk with any system on your company network.

Polar Help Desk API is fully featured. Any action that can be performed through the user interface can also be performed through the API.

FAQ about the source code

Do we get support when we encounter problem or issue when working with the source code?

We do not provide support for source code.

What could we expect of source code, is it an API or SDK version with an compiled kernel?

We deliver the complete source code and you are allowed to make any modifications: create web services, connect to third party’s systems, add or remove features.

Where can I find the source code license agreement?

General License Agreement on Access to Polar Help Desk Source Code.

Are there third party licenses that we have to purchase separately?

There are no additional licenses that need to be purchased. Additionally, all libraries used by Polar Help Desk are available as open source. You can download and modify them to suit your needs.

How many companies use this product?

Polar Help Desk has been on the market for 9 years and it has been implemented in more than 1000 companies world wide. Polar Help Desk  Free has been downloaded and used in more than 50000 companies.

Its robust architecture has been developed and improved for 10 years by a team of 7 experienced developers and a large team of support personnel.

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